city Astana

Company history

Subordinate organization of the Antimonopoly Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan
State-partnered company
Member of the Research Partnership Platform of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on competition law matters.
Founder and organizer of the annual Eurasian Antimonopoly Forum.
Recognition of the head of the Competition Protection Center Aldash Aitzhanov with the Honorary Certificate of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy
of the CIS countries.
2018 and 2020
Letters of appreciation from the Eurasian Economic Commission.
The awarding of the head of the Competition Protection Center Aldash Aitzhanov with the Honorary Certificate of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Letter of appreciation from the EAEU Court for the provided
expert services.
15 years in the antimonopoly services market


The majority of the experts at the Center are former employees of the Antimonopoly Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who have progressed from ordinary experts to department heads, and have been awarded the departmental award - the badge of "Excellence in Antimonopoly Service".
In the Center's team, there are professionals with doctorate degrees and candidate of sciences degrees.




Since 2013, the Competition Protection Center of Kazakhstan has been included in the list of partners of the Research Partnership Platform (RPP) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on competition law matters.
Eurasian Economic Commission
Since 2017, the Center has been actively collaborating with the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Agency for Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Historically, following its founding goals, the Competition Protection Center collaborates with the Antimonopoly Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2015, in accordance with the trilateral Cooperation Agreement, the Department of Economic Theory was reorganized into the Department of Economic Theory and Antimonopoly Regulation.
Court of the Eurasian Economic Union
On July 20, 2021, Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Competition Protection Center. The main goal of the Agreement is to implement joint projects between the EAEU Court and the Center.
Association of Antimonopoly Experts (Russia)
The Association of Antimonopoly Experts (Russia) and the Competition Protection Center regularly conduct joint training events for Antimonopoly Authority employees and practicing antitrust experts.
National Compliance Association (Russia)
In 2021, an Agreement was signed between the Competition Protection Center and the National Compliance Association.
Eurasian Alliance of Antimonopoly Experts (Kazakhstan)
The Eurasian Alliance of Antimonopoly Experts and the Competition Protection Center actively collaborate in organizing joint events, preparing publications, and books.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
As part of the direction of popularizing and developing the science of antimonopoly law, an agreement was signed between the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Competition Protection Center in 2022.
Mangilik El Ave, Building 8,
3rd entrance,
Office 803, Astana,
010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
© 2024, JSC "Center for Development and Protection of Competition Policy
We help clients prevent violations of antimonopoly legislation and, formulate the correct legal position in disputes to protect their lawful rights.
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