Training and Education

The majority of educational and scientific publications on competition (antimonopoly) law in Kazakhstan are published with the participation or full authorship of experts from the Center.
An important direction of the Center's work is the preparation of scientific and practical materials: books, monographs, joint research, and publications in the media.
The Competition Protection Center publishes a Scientific-Practical Commentary on the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (section Economic Competition). Well-known experts from Kazakhstan and abroad were involved in the preparation of the Commentary.
The experts of the Center prepare summaries and analyses of Kazakhstani judicial practice in the application of antimonopoly (competition) legislation.
The commentary on the Entrepreneurial Code and summaries of judicial practice are used by both employees of antimonopoly authorities and judges in case reviews. The conclusions drawn in the scientific publications of the Center are also used in the development of legislative concepts.



    The journal "Market and Competition" has been published by the Competition Protection Center since 2011.


      Mangilik El Ave, Building 8,
      3rd entrance,
      Office 803, Astana,
      010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
      © 2024, JSC "Center for Development and Protection of Competition Policy
      We help clients prevent violations of antimonopoly legislation and, formulate the correct legal position in disputes to protect their lawful rights.
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