
The experts of the Competition Protection Center are ready to provide any services applicable to any product market in Kazakhstan or to the cross-border market of the EAEU, ranging from preparing general information about the state of competition, potential antimonopoly risks, and entry barriers to representing interests in courts or administrative disputes

Fuel and energy markets

Fuel and energy market is under constant monitoring of the Antimonopoly Authority. As part of conducting a comprehensive market analysis, a large amount of information is requested from market entities, often unrelated to the tasks of the Antimonopoly Authority.
Antitrust Risks

Electric power market

Electricity market - regulated - prices are set for wholesale electricity sales by power generating organizations (PGOs), electricity transmission, and retail sales by individual (large) energy supply organizations (ESOs) within the framework of state regulation of prices in socially significant markets.
Antitrust Risks


The Antimonopoly Authority has set itself the task of developing competition in the railway transport market, developing a new model for the railway transportation market that takes into account the creation of a competitive market for private carriers.
Antitrust Risks

Staple food market

The market of food staples is under constant monitoring of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The growth of prices for staple food is a continuous process.

The Antimonopoly Authority constantly monitors the prices forstaple food and analyzes the market to identify potential law violations.
Antitrust Risks


The analysis of the housing construction market is conducted annually by the Agency for Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and overall, the situation in the housing market is monitored by the Antimonopoly Authority. The main task is to regulate prices.
Antitrust Risks

Pharmaceutical market

The pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan is well-developed. The level of market concentration in the retail market is characterized as low or moderate. One of the problematic issues in the pharmaceutical market is the involvement of distributors (wholesale suppliers) in procurement within the framework of guaranteed volumes of free medical assistance.
Antitrust Risks

Cellular communication services market

On the market of cellular communication services, there are 3 mobile operators, two of which are part of a group of entities, and conditionally the market for cellular communication services is divided among these market participants.
According to case reports in this market, the Antimonopoly Authority conducted investigations into abuses of market dominance, as well as unfair competition.
Antitrust Risks
Mangilik El Ave, Building 8,
3rd entrance,
Office 803, Astana,
010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
© 2024, JSC "Center for Development and Protection of Competition Policy
We help clients prevent violations of antimonopoly legislation and, formulate the correct legal position in disputes to protect their lawful rights.
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